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Base Linux Install

A lot of the documentation I have is based on a CentOS 5 install which I do in a VMware environment.

The VM itself is a typical CentOS 4/5 Linux 32-bit install in ESXi which creates a VM with

  • 256MB of RAM
  • 8GB Hard Disk

Once machines is provisioned, boot it with the 32bit version of the CentOS 5.7 DVD (should work with other CentOS 5 versions)

Once you boot up from DVD type

linux ks=

And that should install the base image of what I start with.

Root password is password

There are other things I do as well like install vmware tools, and set time services, and add local accounts.

Finally I will tweak things like add mysql server or increase memory, but that would be all based on the project I am installing.

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