Rocky 9 Copies

Got some rocky software from their 8.4 release.

I need to clean it up at home though, it takes a lot of space.

Also need to start setting things up for 9.5 at home, taking a long time to sync up new stuff.

Weight: 332.6

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Upgrade to Rocky 9.5

Didn’t know it, been busy, but Rocky 9 came out on the 19th last month. I upgraded all of my production servers that was on 9.4 to 9.5. Even had to do some subscription fixing to get RHEL 9.4 proper to RHEL 9.5

Currently downloading the repos. Going to clean up my system and leave only Rocky 9.4 and Rocky 9.5.

There was a problem with Google Coral of course, had to fix another code thing.

It is 9:33, have less than 1500 steps and only 1 floor. I really need to get to the airport where it would be easier and safer (but longer time wise) to complete.

Looks like I will be in at midnight. Gonna mark fitbit as done. Will edit if I dont make it.

Weight: 336.2

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Getting Worse

Not getting better, in fact I think I am getting worse. I thought a nice long sleep would help, but still sick.

Gonna see what tomorrow holds.

Weight: 334.2

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Getaway Recap

Still had fun, but there were couple bummer things that happened.

First off the bloodbath at the Casino, need to rethink our nights out. It will take 1/2 a year to recover.

Second was our cancelled trip to Canada. It was extremely heavy traffic, due to Taylor Swift’s concert in Vancouver.

Third, I had a bad relapse in my cold. Walking seeing the lights in the cold was not the greatest of ideas when you are fighting a cold.

Rest was good though, found time and a place to get steps and floors. Seeing the lights at Tulalip did that, also going up parking stairs at Premium outlet.

Seahawks won, listed to postgame on way home.

Weight: 336.2

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Woke Up Sick

Not that sick, but was definitely coughing up a storm. Throat wasn’t too bad but it is clear that I was having a tough one.

Even after clear my throat and rinsing my mouth, still coughed a lot.

What eventually helped was cough drops.

Going to be an interesting day tomorrow.

On a final note, barely got my steps in, but I did finish.

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Doing Holiday

Next year I going to make provision for me to relax.

This year the goal of 10k steps and 10 floors is pretty agressive.

Was kind of easy in the beginning, but as weeks rolled by it got harder. So close though, 4 weeks more.

No scale, no weigh in.

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Annual Weekend Christmas Retreat

That time of year, leaving kids, home, work and pets, just the wife and I and some personal fun.

One change this year is that we are doing 2 full days (so three nights), so we can do whatever.

As I post got 9,535 steps, pretty sure I can get it done with normal walking.

Weight: 331.2

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Interesting 24 hours

Got my steps done late, still feeling sick. But tomorrow I need to leave for a trip.

Hoping I am not too sick tomorrow.

Gonna try out this tile tracker, got Samsung ones too. Should be interesting.

Weight: 334.8

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Distraction Almost Made Me Fail

I was so sore, my throat was affecting me yesteraday.

I did mark my post yesterday as doing my fitbit, but I almost host to edit it out. At about 11:41 I needed about 200 more steps. Of course I got it, the thing is I wasn’t paying attention to the time. My throat pain was distracting.

Today I did go to the doctor, they gave me a shot for the pain, it worked. Doctor said my body is fighting a virus. Need to let it run its course.

As for today’s post, I got my 10k steps and 10 floors done before posting. Counting continues, only 28 more days.

Weight: 333.6

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Sore Throat

Hope it is nothing, but I am feeling a sore throat coming on.

Last time it was a sore throat, my life changed.

Weight: 335.0

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