Perfect Timing

I got my HD HomeRun Dual today.


It was pretty easy for me to set up, but I can see how someone not technically literate would have a hard time setting up this device.

Still, it is awesome.  This was one of the drivers that got me to go OTA and look at canning Comcast.  Netflix will replace Comcast, hope they get the message regarding my displeasure.

Anyway, I like this version because it only has one tuner to plug in to.  Some might think that’s a drawback because now you can’t plug in 1 for OTA and another for Cable.  Not me 🙂

After I plugged it in I had to update the drivers software and firmware, not a big deal, anyone familiar with windows could do it.  But I knew also to scan for new channels, at first I thought I had a broken unit, turned out to be a misconnected cable.

I did do a bit of rewiring, I added a 1 to 6 port splitter and was worried that I may need a distribution amp (more on that in a bit), but that was not the case,  I was worried I might need to when I was missing some channels.  But later on in the day I moved it up into the attic and got a shorter RG6 cable vs a longer RG59 cable and lo and behold, I got all the channels I expected.


I mentioned the possible need of a distribution amp, its because I have to drive so many devices.   I am still doing a shakedown and load testing to see how it all works, but it is promising.

So far I have learned of two types of amps, a pre amp and a distribution amp.  The preamp helps pull in the signal whereas the distribution amp is meant to give more devices a signal.  I am so lucky to live up on a hill, in a location close to the transmitters and have them in the same general direction.  But I do have a bunch of devices, I think my old HD homerun and my new one count as 4 devices, then I have to add the TV’s.  But I think am good, we’ll see as I add more devices.  In the next day or so I will do a load test, to see if it can handle all the output devices or if I need a distribution amp, I do not think I will.

Just doing pushups and situps today.

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