Two Projects Near Completion

Wow, I really kicked it up a notch.  I am pretty much done with one project and close to finishing another.  Helps that both had similar components but I think it is because I stuck with breadboarding and did not go to the solder.

Here is the first project that is done, unless I am going to go in there and tweak stuff or change to a perfboard.



The box is what sealed the deal, I think I am going to move towards these, it seems way easier to cut then plastic.



I was so surprised to see how the breadboard fit so cleanly inside with enough extra space for the ethernet module.


I am thinking maybe an LCD 16×2 or even a 20×4 go fit… which leads me to the next one.


This one is more simple but has potential, cheaper too unless I add said LCD.  Anyway what this does is take the Nagios events and changes the LED colors.  I can put several LED’s for different devices, are have it blink if there is a warning or solid if it is critical.

Still trying to figure this one out.

But the box made a huge difference, it cost only $1.00 too.  I gonna go and buy the rest tomorrow.

As for my workout, super sore from yesterday, muscles hurt from all the punching.

Anyway just did pushups and situps.


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